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In the book, The Power of Now, David R. Hawkins explains that we are always constantly experiencing a new experience. We can’t keep up with how fast our experience changes.

This is so easy to say and so easy to forget. But it’s also so hard to think about it. When we are experiencing a new experience, we are also experiencing a new state of consciousness. This means we can feel what is happening to us (and we can, in fact, often be more aware of what is happening to us than we are about what is happening to others).

Thats right. We can feel what is happening to us. We can also be aware of what is happening to others.

If this is true, then we can be aware of our own feelings. A lot of the time though, we can’t. We are too busy thinking about all the things that we’re not thinking about, and not thinking about all the things that we are thinking about. So while we can feel what is happening, we are not aware of it.

It is an amazing feeling to know that you yourself are aware of what is going on. There is a great deal of wisdom to be gained from this. In fact, one of the reasons why many of us want to give back to the world is that we are aware of what is going on in our lives and are able to make positive changes.

So don’t let up your focus. It is only the things we are not focused on that are in our heads that are preventing us from seeing the bigger picture.

That makes total sense, although it took me a while to figure out why I had been feeling this way. I had been feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work that had been happening lately, and my work seemed to be all over the place. Then I started to realize that I was just worried about what I did not know, and it was like an avalanche. And then I started wondering if I had been feeling overwhelmed by something else as well.

You’re probably thinking, “Hah, she’s making a joke.” You would be right, although I’m very open in saying that I’m not joking. I have so many ideas that are on the tip of my mind, they just don’t all gel together in my head. It’s like a time loop.

The problem is that most people just don’t have the time to do this work. A lot of people just don’t have the time to read through your ideas. Its like an avalanche.

People do have the time to read your ideas. Many people actually write the ideas down and put them on paper. However, this is still a time-consuming process. Even if you have the time to write down the ideas, you still have to find the time to actually put them into practice. You have to put some effort into it.