
cost of chopper in india


This is an issue that is getting more attention as the economy continues to grow. As this article points out, the cost of helicopters is not only a problem in places with limited resources, it…

Will just dance switch 2021 Ever Die?


This has been one of the most difficult books I have ever read. And it is for a good reason. It is about the future, and about how the future is not how we already…

china and russia


The United States and China are two of the most complex, complex, and consequential societies on the planet. Just to give you examples of how complicated, I don’t want to say complicated, but that’s what…

11 “Faux Pas” That Are Actually Okay to Make With Your city aesthetic


Many cities are changing. From the great architecture of San Francisco to the great restaurants of Chicago to the fabulous architecture of New York City, cities are changing. At the same time, cities are also…