
a1 milk vs a2 milk india

A1 milk is the kind of milk that is used in the milk industry. A2 milk is the kind of…

3 years ago

a rebuke is caustic when it is

A rebuke is caustic when it is over-the-top, and sometimes downright harsh. If you are the person who is constantly…

3 years ago

who is the god of rain

The name of the god of rain has many interpretations. Some people believe he is the god of rain because…

3 years ago

lamborghini key

A key is one of the most valued possessions that we possess. They are something that we take really seriously.…

3 years ago

delhi polls

The word delhi polls itself is a bit confusing so let me clarify that this was the Delhi Pollution Control…

3 years ago

kerala flood

This photograph of the Kerala flood took me many years to get to the point of actually posting about it,…

3 years ago

is 10th board removed in new education policy 2021

The 10th board was removed from the new education policy in November because the board did not have the required…

3 years ago

vegetables face

That’s why vegetables are such a popular food in the US. They are cheap, plentiful, and nutritious. They are easy…

3 years ago

lr eswari

lr eswari- is the name of my blog. I am a writer, speaker, and podcaster. I have been an online…

3 years ago

pictures of pink diamonds

The pink diamond is indeed a great way to highlight your love for your family and friends.The pink diamond is…

3 years ago